Event Planning and Execution as Warfare

When you study works like Sun Tzu’s The Art of War, you learn about the divide between strategy (the overarching plan that guides the war effort) and tactics (the small-scale decisions that win or lose individual battles). To put it […]

The Breeds of Event Planner (and Why it Matters)

Event planners — when you hear the title, you probably think of a well-heeled type-A woman in a dazzling pantsuit with a clipboard and a smile that could kill the common cold at 15 paces. But the fact is that […]

The Trends that Intersect Event Design’s

There’s one maxim that always holds true in the world of any kind of design: change is the only thing that stays the same. When it comes to creating the perfect event, whether you’re talking about a corporate team-building seminar […]

How to Set Up a Proper Event Table

When you look at event photos, there’s one thing that they all have in common: incredible tables! If you don’t have a professional event planner handy, setting up a perfect event table can look like an insurmountable task — but […]

Maximum Impact, Minimum Cost: Minimalist Party Designs

Oftentimes when you see photos of amazing scenes posted by businesses like Display Group — and we admit, we’re definitely guilty of this from time to time — they’re just dripping with design. Rich color, dozens-to-hundreds of lights in up-, […]

Are Your Event’s Power Levels OK?

It’s the very rare event that doesn’t draw a significant amount of power. Catering equipment, lighting, A/V, computers, and a huge number of other potential devices will pull on the power source your venue — or, in some cases, you […]

What Will 2016 Bring in Event Trends?

Every year, the stars are consulted, the cards laid out, and the devotees of event planning and execution make their predictions about what innovations, fads, and style shifts will dominate the next four seasons. Are their predictions accurate? Mostly — […]

How to Choose the Right Dance Floor

Any event where people are going to dance — whether it’s a wedding or a quinceañera or a nonprofit mixer — can benefit from having a dance floor that enhances the atmosphere. If your dance floor is too small, people […]

Light Up Your Next Event with These Tips

Lighting has an amazing effect on your event — too much, and everything looks overexposed, uninviting, and banal. Too little, and you create safety issues, discourage socialization, and everything looks the same even if you poured your heart into the […]

How to Select the Right Tent for Your Next Event

Seasoned event planners have a short list of go to indoor venues that host business seminars, class reunions, and civic fundraisers. However, even the most experienced event planners have trouble deciding on the right tent for an outdoor event, whether […]
